Swastik Image

Swastik Sharma

Aspiring Software Developer constantly looking forward to contribute to new projects and readily available for any co-op or internship opportunities

Educational Details

Seneca College

Toronto (Canada)

GPA: 3.8

Computer Programming and Analysis
(3 years Advanced Diploma)

DC Montessori Senior Secondary School

Chandigarh (India)

Grade: 88.4%

Science and Maths
(High School Diploma)


Online Clothing Store

Online "Apparel Clothing Store" is a website developed by using JavaScript along with HTML and CSS

Informative Blog Website HTML-CSS

Informative blog website developed using HTML and styled via CSS. This is a personal project upon the topic, "American Beavers" mainly to showcase my ability to use almost all HTML5 semantic elements (listed inside github readme).

Digital Clock Cpp

(C++ Program) Integrated header file containing function prototypes and file inclusions to the clock.cpp file where the program executes by taking user input for setting initial time and update the screen with the updated time after a buffer of 1 second.

Honesty Declaration

Honesty Declaration

I declare that my assessment is wholly my own work in accordance with Seneca Academic Policy. No part of this assessment has been copied manually or electronically from any other source (including web sites) except for the information supplied by the WEB222 instructors and / or made available in this assessment for my use. I also declare that no part of this assignment has been distributed to other students.

Name: Swastik Sharma
Age: 19
Email: swastiksharma150@gmail.com
Language: English, Hindi, Punjabi
Class: WEB 222 LEC NEE
Student ID: 12265210

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